Distribution of title lists to academic departments Janie Branham 29 Sep 1993 16:33 UTC

Here at Southeastern, we have created a PARADOX database of title, cost, &
indexing information for our active serial titles and have distributed lists
of active titles to academic departments annually.  With an increase in
public service demands and a real push to bring up our serials on NOTIS, we
are now evaluating the cost-effectiveness of producing such lists.  I would
like to hear from others in the field who are currently or who have in the
past supplied academic departments with  this kind of information.  Specific
questions include:
      1)  do you currently produce and distribute serial title
          lists on a regular basis?
      2)  what department in the Library is responsible for
          maintaining the database? (Serials, Acq., Coll. Dev.?)
      3)  if you no longer provide this service, what factors led
          to your decision to stop?
      4)  are titles included on more than one department's list?
          (PARADOX allows us to assign multiple dept. codes)
      5)  if such lists are not regularly supplied to depts., how do
          you handle individual requests for this info (i.e., for
          accreditation purposes or to support a new curriculum)
We hope to make a decision VERY SOON so timely responses will be greatly
appreciated.  Please respond to:

Janie Branham
Serials Librarian
Sims Memorial Library
Southeastern La. University
SLU 896
Hammond, LA  70401