Re: political science journals (Marty Gordon)
Marcia Tuttle 31 Aug 1993 04:02 UTC
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1993 18:32:19 -0400
Subject: Re: political science journals (Lori Murphy)
>---------- Forwarded message ----------
>Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1993 12:12:00 CST
>From: NAME 'lori murphy' <>
>Subject: political science journals
> I am new to the list, so please excuse the question if it has
>been posted before.
> I am looking for information that will aid me in creating core
>collection list of political science journals. We serve mainly
> Fearing future budget cuts, we are trying to determine what
>journals are the best, see what we have and go from there.
> I am a cataloger who is a new political science bibliographer
>so this is new territory for me.
> Thanks in advance.
* * *
Try magazines for titles covered in Wilson's
Social Science Index....
$ Martin Gordon $
$ Acquisitions Librarian $
$ Franklin & Marshall College $
$ P.O.Box 3003 $
$ Lancaster, Pa. 17604 $
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$ VOICE -> (717) 291-3842 $
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$ FAX - > (717) 291-4160 $
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