political science journals (Lori Murphy) Marcia Tuttle 30 Aug 1993 08:15 UTC

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Date: Mon, 30 Aug 1993 12:12:00 CST
From: NAME 'lori murphy' <LIBLBM%DEPAUL.BITNET@uga.cc.uga.edu>
Subject: political science journals

        I am new to the list, so please excuse the question if it has
been posted before.
        I am looking for information that will aid me in creating core
collection list of political science journals.  We serve mainly
        Fearing future budget cuts, we are trying to determine what
journals are the best, see what we have and go from there.
        I am a cataloger who is a new political science bibliographer
so this is new territory for me.
        Thanks in advance.