Security Issues (Playboy, Absolut vodka ads, etc.) - 3 messages Birdie MacLennan 06 Aug 1993 14:06 UTC

3 messages, 50 lines:

Date:         Thu, 5 Aug 1993 18:33:41 -0600
From:         "T. F. Mills Kurvitasch" <tomills@DIANA.CAIR.DU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Absolut/Playboy theft

Jonathan Phelps expresses puzzlement at the motivation behind theft of
Playboy microfilm:

> someone was stealing the microfilm. Why I don't know since you have to have
> a microfilm reader to read the stuff and you can only print in black and
> white. Plus Playboy on microfilm is not that exciting (unless you
> read it only for the articles).

Years ago I worked for a library that experienced an even more bizarre
twist on this problem.  Vandal(s) were using a hole-punch on the
pictures in the microfilm copy of Playboy.  Microdot porn?!  When it
comes to crime, there is no end to some people's destructive
ingenuity.  But the question of motivation remains.  Surely anybody
who can afford the equipment to derive any satisfaction from their
microporn could also afford the better quality original (which is,
like any good or bad read, more convenient).  But then, the criminal
mind defies logic.  The satisfaction for the criminal may have more to
do with the ingenuity of the crime than use of the stolen material.

T.F. Mills
University of Denver

Date:         Thu, 5 Aug 1993 18:20:00 EDT
Subject:      Re:  Absolut Vodka ads; Security alert

    Here at FAU we got rid of all of our Playboys years ago -
    even the film.
    Gary  Parsons

Date:         Fri, 6 Aug 1993 09:35:00 EST
From:         Ellen Rappaport <RAPPAPE%SLSCVA@SNYCENVA.BITNET>
Subject:      Re:  Absolut Vodka ads; Security alert

As to why anyone would mutilate Playboy on microfilm, the assumption in
 a library I once worked at was that the microfilm could become a
2" x 2" slide.  And, in that library, apparently it did, because we
were losing the microfilm.  I think we finally gave up and cancelled
the subscription.