Please reply to Barbara Tillett, of the Task Group on Authorities <>; not to SERIALST. Thanks. --ed. p.s. Be advised that this message is being cross-posted to several lists ... with the usual apologies for duplication. ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- TO: The Library and Archival Community FROM: The Task Group on Authorities of the Cooperative Cataloging Council SUBJECT: National Authority Files (Name and Subject) : Request for Recommendations and Ideas As part of the Cooperative Cataloging Council's effort to increase cooperative cataloging, to reduce cataloging costs to libraries, and to improve the availability of authority records, our Task Group has been charged to find ways of making it easier to contribute to the national authority files (name and subject) and to broaden contributions to these national files. To fulfill our charge we have prepared the attached survey to collect your recommendations and ideas. Well over 90 libraries currently participate in the Name Authorities Cooperative Projects (NACO) and the Cooperative Subject Cataloging Projects (CSCP). The NACO participants are authorized to create authority records for the national authority files and contribute authority records using the Linked Systems Project (LSP) through OCLC and RLIN. The participating libraries, including consortia, have had a representative trained at the Library of Congress. Amy McColl is compiling a training manual for official NACO participants, which will be available later this year and should provide a useful tool for training more catalogers in how to create authority records. Important issues are at stake as we move toward a new national, or international, shared authorities system. The attached survey aims to evoke your best suggestions for defining what that system should be. We hope you will assist us by filling out and returning the survey by August 31, 1993 either via the postal service, fax, or electronic mail (see specific addresses below). Your ideas will be compiled and the results distributed through this and other listservers and newsletters during September and October. We hope to get final comments from you before our report to the Cooperative Cataloging Council, which is due October 31, 1993. This is a terrific opportunity to really make a difference, so let us hear from you. Task Group on Authorities email: Barbara B. Tillett, Chair (University of California, San Diego) Karen Calhoun (OCLC) Ana Cristan, LC Representative to the Task Group (Library of Congress) Bill Garrison (University of Colorado) Amy McColl (Philadelphia Area Consortium of Special Collections Libraries) Sue Phillips, CCC Liaison to the Task Group (University of Texas) --------------------------------------------- SURVEY FOR RESPONSES TO THE LC CCC TASK GROUP ON AUTHORITIES Please complete and return by AUGUST 31, 1993 to: Barbara Tillett Central University Library University of California, San Diego 9500 Gilman Drive La Jolla, CA 92093-0175 or via fax to (614) 764-0155 or via email to or lctga@ucsd.bitnet (If sending by email, please include the question number with your response.) --------------------------------------------------------------------- Your name: Your institution name: Phone number: E-mail address: --------------------------------------------------------------------- The Task Group on Authorities of the Cooperative Cataloging Council is charged with the following objective from the national cooperative cataloging programs' Goals and Objectives: Goal 1. Together, increase the timely availability of bibliographic and authority records by cataloging more items, by producing cataloging that is widely available for sharing and use by others, and by cataloging in a more cost-effective manner. Objective 1.6 Ease and broaden contributions to the national authority files (LC name and subject). The Task Group on Authorities needs your help and input on the following questions. Please add additional sheets or expand the space for your response, if needed. We would like to receive individual responses to the survey, but we will accept institutional or departmental responses as well. --------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. Is your library currently a NACO and/or CSCP participant? ___yes ___no (If no, skip to question 3) 2. If your institution is a NACO and/or CSCP participant, do you contribute all of your Headings to the national files or only some? Name headings ___all ____some Subjet headings ___all ____some Why did you choose that option? 3. Does every heading need a record in the national authority file? ___ yes ___ no Why or why not? 4. Does your library create authority records for local use? Name: ___yes ___no Series: ___yes ___no Uniform titles: ___yes ___no Subject: ___yes ___no Why or why not? 4a. If yes, how is that accomplished? ___ keying on local system ___ capturing a national authority record from a bibliographic utility ___ through a vendor ___ other, please explain: 4b. Would you want your locally created records added to a national authority file? Please explain. If yes, what do you feel would be the best mechanism to accomplish that addition? 4c. If you do not contribute your authority records to the national file, what could be done to entice you to do so? 5. What would you like to see done or think could be done to ease contribution to the national authority files? 6. Do you use the USMARC authorities format? ___yes ___no If yes, how could it be improved? If not, why not? 7. If you do create authority records for local use, what data elements do you include in your local authority records? (Please indicate the USMARC fields and subfields, if appropriate). 7a. Please indicate those that you feel are essential (mandatory) for national authority records. 7b. Which of the above data elements are indexed for purposes of retrieval in your system? 8. Can your local system import and export authority records in USMARC format? Import: ___no ___yes ___we can, but we don't (explain) Export: ___no ___yes ___we can, but we don't (explain) 9. What additional system functionality or changes would you suggest for your local system and/or the bibliographic utilities to make it easy to contribute to the national authority file(s) (name/series/u.t. and subject)? Some examples: ___ windowing of authority and bibliographic records with easy transfer of data among all kinds of records (cut and paste/copy) ___ ability to mark headings, title, piece of the statement of responsibility, etc. in a bibliographic record for transfer to an authority record ___ easy record creation with templates/workforms for authority records ___ availability of a provisional status to clearly mark temporary records awaiting full authorization versus ___ availability of a temporary "save" file for provisional records to be reviewed by LC or NACO participants (or other "authority") ___ ability to transmit authority record from local system to utility or vendor without re-keying ___ ability to transmit authority record to national authority file in various media: ___online; ___email; ___ diskette; ___ paper workforms; ___ other (explain) ___ enhancement of master authority record ___ editing of master authority record for transferring to local system ___ duplicate detection for headings and references ___ other: please explain 10. What concerns, if any, do you have about greatly expanding contributions to the national authority files (name/series/u.t. and subject)? 11. Would you welcome expansion of the national authority files with records that are created not only manually, but with machine assistance? Why or why not? (Explain what you see as "machine assistance") 12. What changes would you suggest for the existing AACR2R and Library of Congress Rule Interpretations (e.g., regarding reference structures) to make it easy to contribute authority records to the national files? (Especially indicate any rules or Rule Interpretations you feel are inappropriate for the national shared authority files) 13. What changes would you suggest for the existing LC Subject Cataloging Manual to make it easy to contribute national subject authority records? 14. If you began contributing to the national authority files, would you feel the need for additional education and training? ___yes ___no Why or why not? From whom, how, and where? (e.g., national ALCTS workshops; LC; OCLC networks; other?) 15. Describe your vision of the ideal authority system, including the role the national authority files (name/series/u.t. and subject) would play, if any. Thanks very much for your assistance with this survey!