Please reply to the address for Willy Cromwell, cited below; not to SERIALST. Thanks. --ed. ----------------------------Original message---------------------------- Dear Colleague: On behalf of the Task Group charged by the Cooperative Cataloging Council with recommending the catalog record standard to be endorsed by a national cooperative cataloging program, I would like to ask your assistance. The members of the Task Group have, with the help of the CONSER Core Elements Task Force, developed the following survey which is intended to help us determine what that catalog record should look like for both serials and monographs. In this effort we are concerned with identifying the data elements that the library community judges to be essential in the shared record as well as with how the program could make contributing to a national cooperative effort easier. The Survey questions involve your response to the following sketch of a "core" bibliographic record which mandates ONLY the applicable data elements listed below. You will note that there would not necessarily be notes to justify added entries and that the physical description and number of subject headings and added entries could be more limited than at present. We are assuming: (1) although fields would be constructed according to AACR2 revised, the record that is described falls short of AACR2 level three cataloging; (2) that each access point would be controlled by a national authority file record or would be authorized by subject cataloging rules. Another task force is studying the form and content of authority records to be contributed by cooperative cataloging program participants. We have proposed a core record specifying elements for books and, working in conjunction with the CONSER Core Elements Task Force, serials. It is proposed that only those data elements appropriate to each type of material be used in a catalog record. If consensus on such an integrated set of data elements proves likely, it is assumed that essential data elments specific to non-book formats could be added. Please send your responses to me via e-mail or surface mail prior to August 31 so that the task group will be able to include your response in our analysis. Send responses to: E-mail: (Bitnet) cn.wic@stanford.bitnet (Internet) Surface mail: Willy Cromwell, Principal Cataloger Catalog Dept., Stanford University Libraries Stanford, California 94305-6004 We also welcome any general commments you may wish to offer in addition to the answers to the specific survey questions. Thank you, Willy Comwell, Chair, Cooperative Cataloging Council Task Group on Standards Members: Karen Smith-Yoshimura (RLG) Kay Guiles and Lynn El-Hoshy (Library of Congress) Roxanne Sellberg (Suzallo Library, Univ. of Washington) Margaret Shen (Cleveland Public Library) ****************************************************** Part 1. CORE RECORD Fixed Field values: Leader & Directory: 06-07 (bibl. type & level); 17 (encoding level); 18 (desc. cat. form) 007 values for microformats 008: 06 (date type); 07-14 (dates); 15-17 (Country of pub.); 19 (frequency)*; 35-37 (language); 39 (cataloging source code) 020, $a (ISBN): If present on item 022 (ISSN)*: If present on item 040 (Cataloging source) 050 $a,$b (LC Classification) 1XX (main entry): If applicable 240 (uniform title): If applicable and readily available 245, $a (title proper) $b (other title information): If applicable $c (statement of responsibility): If applicable $n (number): If applicable $p (name of part): If applicable $h (medium designator): If applicable 246 (varying form of title)*: If applicable 250, $a (edition statement): If applicable 260, $a $b $c 362 (dates/designation)*: If applicable 300, $a 4XX $a $v: (Series statement and numerical designation) 533: (Reproduction note): Include for photocopies and microformats 6XX: at least ONE Library of Congress subject heading if applicable 780 (preceding entry)*: If applicable 785 (succeeding entry)*: If applicable 7XX: at least ONE added entry (other than 780, 785) if applicable 8XX: Established series form if different from that in 4XX * Starred elements were added at the request of the CONSER Core Elements Task Force although some may be appropriately used in cataloging monographs after the implementation of format integration (i.e., the 246 field). Part 2. SURVEY 1. Would your library accept copy with the above data elements without augmentation or other substantive editing? YES__________ NO__________ 1.A. If not, what fields would you add? Or delete? (Specify which) 2. Would your library commit to do original cataloging with at least the minimum of data elements as applicable as as specified above? YES______________ NO_______________ 2. A. If not, why not? 3. Would your library be willing to support the access points of the above record with the requisite national level authority work-- bearing in mind that there is a parallel exploration of ways to make such authority work easier? YES______________ NO_______________ 3. A. If not, why not? 4. Would the availability of a standard level of cataloging drawn from the elements specified above contribute to the effectiveness of your cataloging operation? YES_______________ NO________________ 4.A Why or why not? 5. What is the approximate number of new acquisitions at your institution each year?_____________ 6. What is the approximate number of titles done as original cataloging at your institution each year?________________ 7. Respondent: NAME:__________________________ TITLE:__________________________ INSTITUITION:______________________ 8. This survey has been posted to several lists. Please indicate which list you got the survey from__________________________ To: COOPCAT@NERVM