Re: District Crossing Municipal Boundaries JUDITH HOPKINS AT SUNY BUFFALO 28 Jul 1993 19:28 UTC

   Since my first job out of library school was as a cataloger at
Mount Holyoke College where my responsibilities included serials
and government documents, I couldn't resist the challenge of trying
to answer this question.  Since I haven't cataloged in years I am
probably about to fall flat on my face, very publicly. :-)

  My instinct would be to enter this body directly under its own name,
South Hadley Fire District No. 2   instead of entering it subordinately
under the name of a government.  (24.17)   It doesn't belong to any of
the types specified in 24.18 of government bodies that are entered
subordinately under the name of a government.

  As for the Granby and Town of South Hadley access, you could do one
of two things.  1)  Set up an authority record for South Hadley Fire
District No. 2   and list the headings for the municipalities that the
fire district covers as 510 fields.   (See also from cross-references)
   2) Provide access to the municipalities by means of a combination of
added entries and subject headings.

   Give my regards to anyone at Mount Holyoke who is of my vintage and
remembers me.

Judith Hopkins                            VOICE: (716) 645-2796
Technical Services Research and Analysis Officer
Central Technical Services                FAX:   (716) 645-5955
Lockwood Library Building
State University of New York at Buffalo   BITNET: ulcjh@ubvm (OR, ubvms)
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