Serials Dept. Shelving Workflow (4 messages) Birdie MacLennan 28 Jul 1993 16:23 UTC

4 messages, 68 lines:

Date:         Wed, 28 Jul 1993 07:38:41 -0400
From:         "Pam Morgan, HSL" <pmorgan@KEAN.UCS.MUN.CA>
Subject:      Re: Serial Dept. Workflw

We have about 1600 current journal titles and one staff member doing
check-in and claiming. All journals are shelved by Circulation. Once
checked in, they are sent to Circulation for shelving. We have a daily,
 and a current year display, besides the backfiles.  Volumes returned from
bindery are also shelved by Circulation.

Pam Morgan
Health Sciences Library
Memorial University of Newfoundland

Date:         Wed, 28 Jul 1993 07:50:20 EDT
From:         Pat Barbour <3TEC6HW@CMUVM.BITNET>
Subject:      Serial Dept. Workflw

    All shelving and reshelving at Central Michigan University is done by the
Circulation staff.

Pat Barbour
Serials Coordinator
CMU Libraries
Park 204
Mt. Pleasant, MI  48859

Date:         Wed, 28 Jul 1993 08:56:02 -0500
From:         Pat Parshall <0700004@NORTHWEST.MISSOURI.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Serial Dept. Workflw

Sharon, At Northwest Missouri State U., I am one of 3 full time staff members
that work 7:30 am to 12 midnight.  We do whatever shelving the student workers
don't get done in addition to the same functions you do.  We try to leave the
shelving for the kids, but it doesn't always work out.  It boils down to "it's
my responsibility to do it, one way or another."  Oh, the work day is spread
over 3 shifts.  Hope this helps.

Pat Parshall

Date:         Wed, 28 Jul 1993 10:15:30 -600
From:         Arlene Ott <ott@BADLANDS.NODAK.EDU>
Subject:      Serials dept. workflow

We have approx. 3500 serials subscriptions.  One staff member is
responsible for check-in, claiming, and union list maintenance.  Current
issues are processed by this staff member and then sent to our periodicals
circ. desk where students are responsible for tattletaping and shelving in
the currents collection (closed stacks).  Another staff member is
responsible for student supervision and circulation of periodicals.  A
third staff member prepares materials for bindery, in-house and
commercial, and is back-up to public services (student supervision and
circ.)  Cataloging maintains a shelflist yet and must check-in bound
volumes before they come back to us for students to shelve.

Arlene E. Ott, Periodicals Librarian
Chester Fritz Library
University of North Dakota, Grand Forks