Serials Dept. Shelving Workflow (2 responses)
Birdie MacLennan 28 Jul 1993 00:14 UTC
2 messages: 26 lines:
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 15:19:57 -0400
Subject: Re: Serial Dept. Workflw
Serials staff initially do shelf our 2,100 titles here, the current issues,
that is. After that it is done by the Circulation staff. We also have a
special display area for journals received today. This necessitates shelving
most new journal issues twice, one in the "today's mail section, and once with
the rest of the unbounds. When journals come back from the bindery they are
shelved by Circulation. We use handheld scanners here to record reshelvings of
unbounds and other kinds of material. Unbound journals are reshelved about
140,000 times a year here. Unbounds circulate, except for the latest issue,
although this will probably change this summer (to a none circulating policy
for all unbounds). The ratio of checkout use to internal circulation is about
Date: Tue, 27 Jul 1993 16:17:03 -0500
From: Vickey Baumli <0700647@NORTHWEST.MISSOURI.EDU>
Subject: Re: Serial Dept. Workflw
Our serials dept. is responsible for supervising the student workers
who shelve the periodicals. When we don't have any students it is
the periodicals staff who does the shelving.