serials contracts (Larry Chen) Marcia Tuttle 13 Jul 1993 03:22 UTC

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Tue, 13 Jul 1993 16:42:00 WST
From: 780323 <AD30CTR0@ITRIB.ITRI.ORG.TW>
Subject: serials contracts

Does any one have experience signing contracts with vendor prior to
serials renewals.  ITRI Lib in Taiwan has ordered 2,300 titles to EBSCO's
on each year, we must have reviewed previous contracts and setting a new
contracts for 1994 renewals.  If you happened to sign contracts with
vendors, please pass a copy to my attention.

Larry Chen
Serials Librarian
Ind Tech Res Inst/Library

Fax #886 35 820028