Serials/Microforms Librarian Job announcement Joann Toussaint 2-5409 05 Jul 1993 13:59 UTC

Posting-date: Sat, 3 Jul 1993 00:00 CST
Note:  Application deadline of July 9, 1993

                           SERIALS/MICROFORMS LIBRARIAN
                           O'SHAUGHNESSY-FREY LIBRARY

        The O'Shaughnessy-Frey Library of the University of St. Thomas is
        seeking a Serials/Microforms Librarian to administer the
        Serials/Microforms Department with responsibility for all aspects
        of the management, development, and provision of technical and
        public services for the periodicals and microforms collections.
        Qualified candidates will have an ALA-accredited MLS, supervisory
        and management skills, experience with academic serials and
        microforms and their special problems, knowledge of current trends
        in traditional and electronic serials publishing and related
        developments in library technology, familiarity with automated
        serials control systems and the OCLC serials format and union list
        subsystem, and working knowledge of the principles of collection
        development and acquisition of materials.  Salary in the low to mid
        $30's plus an excellent flexible benefits package.  A letter of
        application and resume must be received by 5 p.m. July 9, 1993 at:
        University of St. Thomas, Human Resources, Mail #AQU217, 2115
        Summit Avenue, St. Paul, MN 55105. EOE