ALA Interactive Media T.F. Forum 6/25/93
Rita.Echt 16 Jun 1993 21:36 UTC
You are invited and encouraged to attend the
American Library Association
Cataloging and Classification: Description and Access
Interactive Media Guidelines Review Task Force
Friday Forum
Friday, June 25, 1993, 2:00-5:30 PM
Fairmont Hotel, Bayou I
Task Force Members:
Eric Childress Elon College Library
Nancy Davey Indianapolis-Marion County Public Library
Josephine Davidson University of Georgia Libraries
Laurel Jizba, Chair Michigan State University Libraries
Sherry Kelley Library of Congress
Ann Sandberg-Fox Saint Michael's College (Vermont)
Joan Swanekamp University Libraries, Columbia University
1. Charge to the T.F.
2. Introduction of T.F. Members
3. Methodologies employed by the T.F.
4. Comments received from the library community
* Revised Draft Definition 6.0
* Other Guidelines issues (in order as in Guidelines)
* Keeping the Guidelines together/AACR2R considerations
5. Proposed Timetables/CC:DA report
6. Other?
7. Adjournment
We will discuss the work of the T.F. to date as well as
entertain your ideas, comments, and questions. Handouts
will be available for those attending.
Please check final ALA Program for meeting location.