Ulrich's Plus CD-ROM Birdie MacLennan 15 Jun 1993 21:35 UTC

2 messages; 52 lines:

Date:         Tue, 15 Jun 1993 14:35:00 EDT
From:         "RIOUX, MARGARET A" <c78_mar1@RED.WHOI.EDU>
Subject:      Re: Ulrich's Plus CD ROM

We use Ulrich's Plus, but don't have it networked.  We like it for
some of the same reasons as the BIP+ - versatility of searching.
You can get at anything except the color of the cover.
* Maggie Rioux                   | Email: mrioux@whoi.edu          *
* MBL/WHOI Joint Library         | Voice: 508/457-2000, ext. 2538# *
* Woods Hole Oceanographic Inst. | Fax:   508/457-2156             *
* Woods Hole, MA 02543           | Foot:  Clark Lab, Room 135      *

Date:         Tue, 15 Jun 1993 17:14:54 -0500
From:         Scott Lesser <LESSER@FAXON.COM>
Subject:      Re: Ulrich's Plus CD ROM

As a Bibliographic Specialist here at the Faxon Company, responsible for
researching new serial publications, I use Ulrich's Plus just about every day
in the course of my research.  There are several advantages to the CD-ROM
version of Ulrich's over the paper version that clearly make it the more
desirable choice for researchers:

     1. The CD-ROM is updated quarterly instead of annually, so the
        information contained is a bit more current than the print edition.

     2. There is a greater ability to perform searches, as you can search
        by more than just title and ISSN.  Often, I can locate an improperly
        cited or abbreviated title by performing Boolean searches of title
        fragments, or by searching by publisher and subject area.  Also, by
        searching by publisher keyword, you have the added flexibility of
        being able to search for specific serial publishers that may not be
        listed in other reference sources and that can't be searched in the
        print edition of Ulrich's without a title name.

     3. It's a great time-saver to be able to print out citations as needed,
        rather than photocopying or copying information by hand.

I honestly can't remember the last time I even touched the print edition!

Scott Lesser
Bibliographic Specialist
Publisher Service Center
The Faxon Company, Inc.