ALA Announcements Birdie MacLennan 07 Jun 1993 17:17 UTC

2 Meeting Announcments, 70 lines:

   MARC Format for Holdings IG
   ALCTS Automated Acquisitions ... DG

Date:         Mon, 7 Jun 1993 07:56:06 CST
From:         C-MEYE@VM1.SPCS.UMN.EDU
Subject:      MARC Format for Holdings IG, New Orleans Meeting

MARC Format for Holdings Interest Group
New Orleans Meeting Notice

Date:   Saturday, June 26
Time:   2:00-4:00 p.m.
Place:  New Orleans Convention Center, Room 15

Topic:  Standards Related to the Holdings Format

Speakers:  Julia Blixrud, Council on Library Resources
           Z39.71, the proposed standard for holdings statements

           Karen Coyle, University of California Division of Library Automation
           Z39.50, the standard for intersystem search and retrieval

           Robyn Greenlund (Data Trek) and Ed Riding (Dynix)
           X12, the standard for election data interchange (EDI)

Christina Perkins Meyer                   Phone: (612) 625-0107
Database Management Division                FAX: (612) 625-3428
Central Technical Services                Bitnet: c-meye@uminn1
University of Minnesota       Internet:

Date:         Mon, 7 Jun 1993 08:47:20 EDT
From:         Rosann Bazirjian <LIBRVB@SUVM.BITNET>



The ALCTS Automated Acquisitions-In-Process Control Systems Discussion Group
will meet in New Orleans on Monday, June 28, 1993, from 9:30-11:00 a.m.,
in the Explorer's Room of the Fairmont Hotel. Discussion leaders will
address the issue of electronic interfaces with vendors using EDI. The meeting
will focus on a discussion of EDI procedures currently in place, as well as
an evaluation as to EDI's effectiveness. Standards developments, particularly
related to ordering and claiming, will be addressed. Discussion leaders are
Bill Sozansky from the University of Minnesota who will discuss their pilot
EDI project with Faxon and NOTIS for claims and claim responses; Wil Harri
who will discuss Moorhead State University's experiences with complete EDI
implementation with the MSUS-PALS system; and Betty Landesman from George
Washington University who will focus on standards development in the area
of X12/EDI related to ordering and claiming.

For more information contact:

Julie Gammon, Chair, University of Akron, R1JAG@AKRONVM.bitnet
Rosann Bazirjian, Vice Chair, Syracuse University, LIBRVB@SUVM.bitnet