Exemplary Periodicals Service?
Virginia F. Moreland 03 Jun 1993 20:24 UTC
Please note the author's preamble and reply to her and NOT to SERIALST,
to which she doesn't subscribe. --ed.
----------------------------Original message----------------------------
This was inquiry was recently posted to LIBREF-L also. Please respond
directly to me, as I am not a subscriber. I will pass on a summary of
responses if they are of general interest.
Our medium-large academic library has struggled for years with a rather
awkward arrangement of periodicals and no staffing on the two periodical
floors. We are embarking on a project to improve access, which will
place on one floor most print periodicals (excluding LC classes Q-R),
all microforms storage, the photocopy center, and a combined microforms
- periodicals assistance desk. This will be two floors above
Reference, the CD-ROM LAN, the main OPAC cluster, etc. Space will
not allow all of this to be merged on one floor.
Our director may be interested in sending someone to visit libraries with
exemplary periodicals service arrangements, at least if the travel budget
holds up next year and the proposed sites are reasonably accessible from
Atlanta. I'm particularly interested in collections that are big enough to
be fairly complex, that have a mixture of print and microform periodical
titles, and that also house some electronic full-text products such as the
UMI OnDisk titles.
So the question is, what libraries do you think have exemplary periodical
arrangements/space/services, and why to you think they are special? Most
immediately, we are looking for ideas and data that will help us write a
building program for the renovation of that floor. Thanks in advance.
Virginia Moreland
Head of Reference
Georgia State University
(P.S. I will be in both New York City and New Orleans in the next
month...nominations in those locations would be highly cost-effective.)