Re: Unsolicited title, Nederlandse Bibliografie Jim Mumm 01 Jun 1993 18:45 UTC

Look at 16 CFR 256 and 39 USC 3009.

This will give information on what you can and can't do in the
area of shipping materials which are not ordered.

I don't recall the original question, but one thing I would
consider is that it is possible to have inadvertently ordered
something (perhaps on a former invoice there was a box which
said something like "check here if you do not want supplemental
material", or perhaps somewhere along the line there was a
letter of inquiry or a phone call that got misinterpreted).

In any case, it seems to me that publishers are usually willing to
cooperate when asked to take something back.

Jim Mumm
Acquisitions / Serials Librarian
Marquette University Law Library