Dummy bib record for monographic series on NOTIS
ANN ERCELAWN 22 May 1993 12:25 UTC
Date: 21 May 1993 10:28:00 -0500 (CDT)
From: ling-li <ZLZLB41@LUCCPUA.BITNET>
Subject: RE: dummy bib record for monographic series on NOTIS
We create provisional serial records for monographic series of
which individual items are cataloged serarately. Such records
are supressed in OPAC.
For series which are classified together, the provisional serial
record is coded:
cataloging status: "d"
class type: "A"
call no: the base call number which will be used for all items
L1 in the respective order record: "c"
For series which are classified together, the provisional serial
record is coded:
cataloging status: "d"
class type: "A"
call no: "class sep"
L1 in the respective order record: "s"
Since such dummy records are supressed from OPAC, it won't show
in OPAC as "In Process".
Ling-li Chang, Loyola University Chicago