Newspaper vandalism (cultural aside) ANN ERCELAWN 20 May 1993 21:46 UTC

Date: 20 May 1993 15:41:04 -0400
From: Pam Deemer <libped@EMORYU1.CC.EMORY.EDU>
Subject: Newspaper vandalism (fwd)

Cultural aside;  Indirectly related to serials:

You want labor intensive and depressing?  Try working at an all
male university in Saudi Arabia, where paid library censors blacken out
uncovered female limbs and low necklines in books and serials, if they are
feeling artistic instead of blackening out the whole picture.  At the time my
husband and I lived in Saudi from 1978-83, this was the situtation in the
university library where we were employed.  Art and yoga books as well as
self-defense for women ones were kept hidden in "Special
Collections"/Reserve.  However, these were not only kept there to preserve
the morals of young Saudi males.  Wives, sisters, daughters, etc. of
faculty and students couldn't check out the self-defense for women books.
(Purchased accidently through vendor blanket orders in the early stages of
the library's growth, I assume.)  Husbands, fathers, etc. only could check
them out.

Pam Deemer libped@emoryu1.bitnet or
Emory Univ. Law Library, Atlanta GA 30322-2780
(404)-7727-0850   FAX: (404)-727-2202

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: 20 May 1993 11:00:00 -0400 (EDT)
From: Josephine.Williamson@MVS.UDEL.EDU
Subject: Newspaper vandalism

This problem is really close to my heart because we are also fighting a losing
battle with vandals.  We hold the five most popular daily papers at a public
service desk and require that users leave an ID while they have the paper.
This only helps for the day they are held, since we place the papers in our
current stacks each evening when the desk closes.  We draw a red line at the
top of each paper to get the attention of staff at the exit gate, but thieves
just fold the paper so the line can't be seen.  We also draw a red line
through all photographs on the front page, sports page, etc.  That has reduced
cut outs significantly, but is labor intensive and depressing.

Josie Williamson            <>
University of Delaware