ISSNs for microform/NOTIS' MDAS (2 messages) Birdie MacLennan 19 May 1993 02:50 UTC

2 messages, 56 lines:

Date:         Tue, 18 May 1993 17:29:17 EDT
From:         Betty Landesman <BETTY@GWUVM.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: ISSNs for microform records/NOTIS's MDAS

Elena (and I guess the rest of the list!) - there is a current problem with
the "hook to holdings" in MDAS whereby the detailed holdings display only
for the first LOCATION.  We are part of a consortium implementation, and as
the sixth of seven libraries most of which have several locations (paper,
microfilm, microfiche - we've followed the same standards as you), this
has been quite a problem.  My understanding is that this should be fixed with
a new release of software that we're about to load.

Before the software release where this problem started, the "hook to holdings"
worked fine for all our formats.  The ISSN is assigned to the title, not to
a specific form of the title.  So it is perfectly appropriate to enter it into
your microform records, and you will (eventually when the problem is fixed!!)
reap the benefit from MDAS!

Betty Landesman
Coordinator, Systems Planning
Gelman Library
George Washington University
2130 H Street NW
Washington, DC   20052
BITNET: betty@gwuvm   Internet:
PHONE: 202-994-1333   FAX: 202-994-1340

Date:         Tue, 18 May 1993 17:13:49 CDT
From:         Kevin M. Randall <KRANDAL@NUACVM.ACNS.NWU.EDU>
Subject:      Re: ISSNs for microform records/NOTIS's MDAS

About MDAS and identical ISSN in multiple records:

I remember reading of MDAS hook-to-holdings problems, but I don't know what
the status of those are (and I can't remember the actual problems).
We were having problems at Northwestern a while back, and things seem to be
working fine now.  (We were all mystified for a while; it seemed to be rather
random whether or not the system would link up the MDAS record and the OPAC
record.  They finally figured out what was wrong and things are working fine
now, but I can't remember what the problem turned out to be.  If you want to
know more, ask me and I'll check with our systems people.)

I looked in our Expanded Academic Index file for records containing "Newsweek"
in the .SO. field and viewed one of them.  We have 5 records in our OPAC for
Newsweek--3 hardcopy, 1 microfilm, 1 microfiche.  All locations from all 5 of
the records showed up on the holdings screen in MDAS, so it looks like we
have no problem with identical ISSN in multiple records.  (At least today...
At least for Newsweek...)

Kevin M. Randall
Head, Serials Cataloging Section
Northwestern University Library