Serials Usage Studies pat parshall 13 May 1993 22:13 UTC

Dear Listers,

I am trying to begin a use study to weed out unused titles and old titles
in our library.  I need as much help as you can give me to start this task.
Please lend me your expert advise.

Pat Parshall-Owens Library
Northwest MO State Univ.  Periodicals Dept.

Ed. note:  This was discussed, within the last six months, on SERIALST.
You might try a search through the logs.  Though, of course, additional
discussion and messages on this topic are welcome on SERIALST!

Also, I'd recommend Maiken Naylor's "A Comparison of Two Methodologies
for Counting Current Periodical Use" in _Serials Review_, v.19:no.1
(Spring 1993), p.27-34,62 -- which includes references to other
other use assessment sources, as well.            --Birdie