Library Automation Research Project (2 messages) Ing. Claudia Xhonane Ortiz Meza 10 May 1993 17:23 UTC

Two messages from the author regarding this project have been consolidated
into this one.  Please reply to Xhonane, not to SERIALST.  Thanks.  -Birdie

-----------------------------Original message-----------------------------
  I apologize for those who receive again this mail, but I have had some
  problems with the network and I just want to asure this message. The
  fact is that it's very important to me to learn from you all who have
  more experience. Thank you for being patient. If you already answered
  this survey, you don't need to do it again.
  Right up until now, I'm working on the automation of our Library,
  especially on serials. As a part of my research, I'm interested
  in knowing more about user's experience, that's why I would like
  to ask you, if it is possible, to help me answer these questions.
  There are two parts, the first one is the most important for
  me to know, and the second one is up to you (I hope it can be
  answered too).

  If any of you are interested in the results, just let me know.

  Please respond directly to me <name & address at bottom of message.  --ed.>

  Thank you very much in advance.


  System Name_____________________

  Number of Students
  (  ) < 10,000
  (  ) 10,000-30,000
  (  ) > 30,000

  Collection (Volumes)
  (  ) < 100,000
  (  ) 100,000-500,000
  (  ) > 500,000

  How long have you been using your system?
  (  ) < 1 year
  (  ) 1-3 years
  (  ) 3-6 years
  (  ) > 6 years


  1. Have you had any standarization problem in Software, Hardware or
  (  ) None
  (  ) Some
  (  ) Many

  2. What kind of system evaluation did you do before acquired it?
  (  ) RFP
  (  ) Benchmarking
  (  ) None special
  (  ) Other ___________________

  3. If you'd have the same opportunity of choosing again, would you
  choose the same system?
  (  ) No
  (  ) It'd be hard to decide
  (  ) I'd rather other option
  (  ) Yes

  4. Has the system had innovations?
  (  ) Not much
  (  ) some
  (  ) Many

  5. How easily does the system have adjusted to your needs?
  (  ) Very easy
  (  ) We've had some problems
  (  ) It has been difficult


  * There are some questions where you can choose more than one answer.

  1. Why did you decide to buy that system?
  (  ) Low cost
  (  ) High performance
  (  ) Service Support
  (  ) Most popular
  (  ) Other ______________________

  2. If you considered the option of developing in-house, why did you
  discard the idea?
  (  ) High cost
  (  ) Long time
  (  ) Not enough people
  (  ) Not enough resources
  (  ) Other ______________________

  3. Have you had problems without an answer from the developer?
  (  ) Many
  (  ) Some
  (  ) Few
  (  ) None

  4. How long did it take to install the system?
  (  ) < 6 months
  (  ) 6 months- 1 year
  (  ) 1-2 years
  (  ) > 2 years

  5. What kind of expenses does the system has needed?
  (  ) Training
  (  ) Maintenance
  (  ) Installation
  (  ) Upgrades
  (  ) Failures
  (  ) Others _____________________

  6. What is your average response time for a single query?
  (  ) < 1 sec.
  (  ) 1-3 sec.
  (  ) 3-5 sec
  (  ) > 5 sec.

  Thank you very much for taking time to answer these questions. It will
  be very useful to me. I really appreciate your help.

  truly yours,

  Xhonane Ortiz
  ITESM Library

As a part of my library automation research, specially on serials, I'm
looking for voluntiers (at least one of each of the follow systems:
Geac, Notis, Innopac, Dynix, DRA y VTLS) who can give me a hand in
making me clear some practical details of the system's function (just
for the serials module). The problem is that there are some concepts
that I'm not sure if I can explain at all in english. Are there any of
you, my friends, that speak spanish?, so that I can write in spanish
what I don't know how to translate. I'll appreciate any help.
Thank you for taking time to read this message.

truly yours,
ITESM library