OCLC Union List Users Group Midwinter Minutes (Joanna Bowen) Marcia Tuttle 26 Apr 1993 03:27 UTC

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Date: Fri, 23 Apr 1993 12:49:00 EDT
From: Johanna Bowen <BOWEN%SNYCORVA.BITNET@mitvma.mit.edu>
Subject: OCLC Union List Users Group Midwinter Minutes

 TO:   OULUG Members (OCLC Union List Users Group)

FROM:  Johanna Bowen, Chair

DATE:  23 April 1993

 RE:   Minutes of the Meeting held at ALA, Denver, 25 January 1993

Note:  Next Meeting will be held at ALA -- New Orleans
       Monday, 28 June 1993
       4:30 pm

Agenda for annual Meeting:
       Election of new chairperson
       Report from OCLC, Linda Arnold from OCLC Resource Sharing
       Speaker (to be announced) on ILL view of Union Listing
       General discussion of Union Listing problems, etc.

Report from Linda Arnold from OCLC Resource Sharing

   --  ILL in 1992 had 6,800,000 requests.  Forty-one percent (over 2,000,000)
       were requests for Photocopies.
   --  There are 77 Union List groups in OCLC with 8000 members.
   --  Largest union list is US Newspaper Program (NEPU), New York (NYUL)
       is second, and SILO (Illinois) is third.
   --  OCLC has determined from responses that the ILL user of union list
       still wants to know who has the title and volume being sought.  ILL
       users do not care about the encoded info in a union list display.
   --  ILL users want:
       --  upper/lower case in display (to indicate ILL suppliers)
       --  searching qualifiers
       --  geographically defined reciprocal borrowing groups
       --  simpler holdings displays
   --  There should be a "white paper" on the topic of Resource Sharing
       by summer 1993 from OCLC.
   --  PRISM and the Union List
       --  The same team of Developers who worked on PRISM ILL will work on
           Union List reimplementation to PRISM.
       --  the objective is to cleanly bring up the existing union list in
       --  off-line products and US MARC Format for Holdings will follow
       --  hope to implement Z39.44 (level 3, summary holdings level using the
same display as the current LDR)

   It was noted that the above planning schedule is for reimplementation of
   existing union list into the PRISM environment, with minor enhance-
   ments, e.g. online help.  Redesign of the Union List Subsystem is not being

   Several members of the group suggested that a minimal level of
   enhancements be built into the reimplementation.  This would follow the
   model of ILL where the original goal of the working group was expanded
   along the way to allow for some much needed enhancements.

Discussion Period of the Meeting:
   --  Discussed Z39.71, currently being examined by a task force chaired by
Julia Blixrud who is to examine the reasons for the negative votes and attempt
to resolve the problems.
   --  The representative from Delaware announced the completion of the
       Delaware Union List.
   --  A representative from Denver announced the formation of a new List.
   --  Virginia Union List has had all funding cut for maintenance.  Some-
       times after a few years complaints to the State Library lead to
       picking it up again.  Sometimes after a really long gap, the LDR's
       have to be literally redone.
   --  Discussion ranged over such topics as
       --  adding LDR's for electronic journals
       --  adding the union list to FirstSearch  (there are pros and cons)
       --  expanding the Union List to become a document delivery
       --  wondering about the future of the ULS in an article based community
       --  it was reported that MARBI had passed the proposal 92-21, Addition
of fields 876-878 (Item Information for MARC Format for Holdings)

Johanna Bowen read a brief report detailing the results of searching listserve
archives for Autocrat, Serialst and ILL-L for references to Union Listing.
After further discussion it was decided to have a person from ILL as a
guest/speaker for the annual meeting in June.  Ms. Bowen also indicated her
desire to step down from the chair position after the New Orleans meeting in
June 1993 and encouraged any and all to step forward to lead the semi-annual
meetings of OULUG.

Recorded by,

Johanna Bowen,  Coordinator for Technical Services
Memorial Library
SUNY College at Cortland
Cortland NY 13045
bitnet:   bowen@snycorva    internet: bowen@snycorva.cortland.edu

phone:    607-753-2970   Fax:    607-753-5669