Re: Claims resolution question (Deborah Fetch) (Joanna Tousley-Escalante)
Marcia Tuttle 23 Apr 1993 05:18 UTC
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Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1993 22:09:03 -0500
From: Joanna Tousley-Escalante <joanna@CCWF.CC.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: Re: Claims resolution question (Deborah Fetch)
Deborah's question and comments are very enlightening. I am interested,
however, as to how many actual issues were received as a part of the
claiming process? The vendor has stated that a response from the
publisher that the issue is unavailable equally counts for a resolution.
Somehow the string of postcards we receive that extends our subscription
another issue because of our missed issue is not equal to the
actual receipt of the issue. I want my journals! We are just in the
beginning stages of setting up serials checkin on the Dynix Serials
module. I'm hoping that down the line we'll be able to view vendor
fulfillment stats in particular where claiming is concerned. Frankly, I
think that most claiming is just so much wasted postage and time right
now. We've dropped down to sending out no more than 2 claims, and are
trying to send them closer and closer to the expected receipt. Am I the
only one with this sentiment?
Joanna Tousley-Escalante
Austin Community College
fax: 512/483-7773