Claim Resolutions Question (3 messages)
Marcia Tuttle 22 Apr 1993 11:25 UTC
Claim Resolutions Question. 3 messages responding to Deborah Fetch's
message of April 21.
Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 16:07:09 EDT
From: Susan Davis <>
Subject: Re: Claims resolution question (Deborah Fetch)
Based on your description of the collections, I would believe that 74% is
pretty good. I would believe that you buy a lot of fulfillment center type
titles, and it's pretty rare to receive a satisfactory response on the 1st
claim. We have also observed that multi-copy subs for popular (Readers
Guide) titles cause problems which require lots of claiming. Unfortunately
we have never kept statistics (we have too many vendors, or maybe we just
never really wanted to know), but I am interested in the small percent
resolved with a 3rd (or more) claim. We spend a lot of effort at the 3rd
claim stage, maybe we shouldn't.
Please post a summary to the list of any responses you receive directly. I
hope you will also consider your findings as the basis for an article we
can read later!
Susan Davis
Head, Periodicals
State University of NY at Buffalo
Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1993 08:24:52 -0500
From: "Joe Edelen, University of South Dakota" <JEDELEN@CHARLIE.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Claims resolution question (Deborah Fetch)
Several years ago we tried an experiment whereby we called the publishers
for many of our claims. We found, by and large, that for most of the claims
the phone call resolved the problem. We also found that spending the $$
for the phone call was much cheaper in the long run than having to claim,
and then perhaps followup 1/2 of the original claims. You may wish to
consider this approach in your deliberations.
** Joe Edelen I.D. Weeks Library **
** Bibliographic Control Librarian University of South Dakota **
** 605-677-6082 414 East Clark Street **
** 605-677-5488 (fax) Vermillion, SD 57069-2390 **
** **
** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **
** The views herein expressed are mine alone and not necessarily those **
** of my institution. **
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Date: Thu, 22 Apr 1993 08:36:49 -0500
From: "Joe Edelen, University of South Dakota" <JEDELEN@CHARLIE.USD.EDU>
Subject: Re: Claims resolution question (Donna Lively)
Some time ago we decided that it was unacceptable for us to receive and
accept a response from a claim of "unavailable from the publisher". We
decided to call some of those "unavailable" publishers. In almost all
instances we were able to secure the issue in question on the first
phone call directly to the publisher.
** Joe Edelen I.D. Weeks Library **
** Bibliographic Control Librarian University of South Dakota **
** 605-677-6082 414 East Clark Street **
** 605-677-5488 (fax) Vermillion, SD 57069-2390 **
** **
** ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ **
** The views herein expressed are mine alone and not necessarily those **
** of my institution. **
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