Claims resolution question (Deborah Fetch) Marcia Tuttle 21 Apr 1993 06:28 UTC

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Date: Wed, 21 Apr 1993 11:15:20 -0500
Subject: Claims resolution question

Our acquisitions department is having on-going discussions with one of our
serials subscription agents regarding claims resolution.  The agent serves
17 Penn State Campus Libraries throughout the Commonwealth.  The collect-
ions primarily support lower level undergraduate education although some
campuses support upper level and master's level study.  The total number
of subscriptions is 3600.  During 1992 the libraries claimed 503 issues.
The agent provided us with the following statistics for the calendar year:

        55% were resolved by the first claim
        19% were resolved by the second claim
        18% were resolved by the third claim or beyond
         8% were not resolved, i.e., outstanding claims

The agent reports that a 74% resolution rate (total of the 1st and 2nd
claims) is good.  Resolution means that either the claimed issue was
received or that the publisher responded that the issue is not available.

Is 74% resolution by the 2nd claim good or even acceptable?  We would like
to hear from other libraries who collect data for comparison.  We also are
interested in your opinions.  What are your expectations for claims
handled through an agent?  We know that agents cannot control publishers'
responses, but we need data to evaluate our vendor's claiming performance.

Please respond to the list or directly to me at

Deborah Fetch
Acquisitions Librarian
Penn State University
E506 Pattee Library
University Park, PA 16802

phone:  (814) 865-1858
fax:    (814) 863-7293