In reference to the new DIGEST and INDEX options that were described
in the previous message, I am forwarding an example of what the "Indexed"
version of SERIALST looks like (per yesterday's logs).
If you think you might be interested in subscribing to SERIALST with
this option, and using it to "order" messages you should be aware that
some mail systems act differently than others! In the instructions
provided at the bottom of the index, LISTSERV author, Eric Thomas,
outlines two methods for "ordering" messages from the server. If
the first method that you select for ordering messages doesn't work,
try the second! My preliminary testing with both methods has met
with varying degrees of success -- depending on which mail system
(e.g., Unix or IBM/VM) I've operated from. If in doubt, please check
with your LOCAL systems experts first! In most instances, you should be
able to just plug the index accession number (from the left hand column)
into the LISTSERV search form at the bottom of the screen -- specifically
where it reads:
Print <type the numbers of the messages you want here>
e.g., Print 2070 2071
<to receive messages on publisher's
catalogs and multi-copy subns.>
FORWARD (i.e., do NOT use the "reply" key with this particular
method) your request (i.e., the entire message with changes only
to the print line back to): LISTSERV@UVMVM (or, UVMVM.UVM.EDU).
Then wait for the messages you've selected to arrive.
Happy networking ... and good luck!
Birdie MacLennan
SERIALST Listowner/Moderator bmaclenn@uvmvm.bitnet
University of Vermont
---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sat, 10 Apr 1993 12:00:03 -0500
From: Automatic digest processor <>
To: Recipients of SERIALST indexes <SERIALST@UVMVM.UVM.EDU>
Subject: SERIALST Index - 9 Apr 1993 to 10 Apr 1993
Index Date Size Poster and subject
----- ---- ---- ------------------
02070 04/09 27 From: Joanna Tousley-Escalante <joanna@CCWF.CC.UTEXAS.EDU>
Subject: Multi-copy subscriptions
02071 04/09 4 From: Mary Youmans <YOUMANS@WCUVAX1.BITNET>
Subject: Re: Publisher's catalogs...
02072 04/09 116 From: Ann Okerson <>
Subject: Electronic Nursing Journal Announced (fwd)
02073 04/09 24 From: Birdie MacLennan <BMACLENN@UVMVM.BITNET>
Subject: Microfilm Readers
The sizes shown are the number of lines in the messages, not counting mail
headers. For your convenience, this message has been specially formatted to
make it easier to order the messages you are interested in. Just forward this
message back to LISTSERV@UVMVM (or LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU) and fill in the line
starting with "Print" (if there is not enough space, you can add more lines as
long as you type "Print" on each new line). Make sure to use the forward
command of your mail program, not the normal reply function. There is a lot
more the LISTSERV database functions can do for you - for instance, you can
select all the messages with a particular subject in a single command rather
than retyping all the index numbers. For more information, send an INFO
DATABASE command to LISTSERV (you could add it before the line that says
"Database search" the next time you order messages from the LISTSERV archive).
Another method which could be more convenient, depending on the mail program
you are using, is to reply to this message while including the original text,
just like when you are replying to a normal message and want to quote what your
correspondent said. Before sending the message, delete the lines corresponding
to the items you are not interested in, and make sure your reply is being sent
Note that this may not work with all mail programs; the first method is more
// JOB
Database search DD=Orders
//Orders DD *
Select * in SERIALST.2070-2073
Print <type the numbers of the messages you want here>
// EOJ