Unnumbered Series Cataloguing
Birdie MacLennan 01 Apr 1993 20:23 UTC
Date: Thu, 1 Apr 1993 10:46:56 CST
From: "cole, jim e." <LB.JEC@ISUMVS.BITNET>
On 3/31/93, LIBR007@CSC.CANTERBURY.AC.NZ wrote:
>I would like to know whether serials cataloguers on this list
>sometimes catalogue unnumbered series as serials.... <some text deleted>
>If it is ok, how do I indicate designation?
>and has anyone an example of an explanatory numbering note? I will
>summarise for the list if responses warrant.
Example 50 in Appendix C of the 1988 revised edition of ISBD(S)
illustrates the cataloging of an unnumbered series. It uses the
note "Collection non numerotee." In English, I'd just use the note
"Unnumbered series."
Jim Cole
204 Parks Library
Ames, Iowa 50011