NOTIS 5.1 lser caption/pattern data
A. Gordon-Gilmore 10 Feb 1993 19:02 UTC
We are just beginning to work with the NOTIS 5.1 Serials Module
(lser) and came up with a problem. How do you fill in caption/pattern
data for titles such as People Weekly with 2 volumes a year of different
lengths. There is a combined (2-weeks) issue at year's end. The only
solution we can figure is to create one pattern record for Jan-June
and another for July-Dec? One basic pattern looks workable, until
it is previewed.
Microfilm titles are another joy. Even when set up as an annual,
issues are expected 6 months apart. Note that this was found with copy
one in paper and copy 2 in microform. (We are not asking commentary on
our cataloging practices.)
We are also wondering if anyone has collected some samples of
various caption/pattern records, preferably "tested, tried and true"
that they are willing to share. I have Gail McMillan's "workbook"
of MARC holdings patterns, which will be of great help --this from her
1990 NASIG workshop. For NOTIS predictive check in, other specific
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Anita Gordon-Gilmore gilmore@ksuvm.bitnet
Serials Librarian
Forsyth Library
Fort Hays State University (913) 628-4090
Hays, Kansas 67601-4099 (913) 628-4096 (fax)
problems need to be addressed.