With much embarrassment and chagrin, I am belatedly offering this summary of the responses I received to my previous uploading/OCLC union list inquiry of 1/82. My abject apologies to everyone, especially Marsha Skoman and Gail McMillan who perhaps, like Steve Murden, were waiting with baited breath ("or, as Mork would have said, 'with a worm on my tongue.'")! Background: The libraries associated with the Assn. of Big Eight Universities (ABEU) have been working towards greater cooperation on collection develop- ment. Serials union listing is one of the means which would facilitate this end. Not being able to afford to do double check-in (once in our local system and again on the union list) the Univ. of Kansas Libraries has not moved beyond supporting in principle the union list. If we were able to update our serial holdings through a tape load, we could actually participate in the union list. My original inquiry (1/6/92) was: Is anyone out there currently uploading serial records from your serials holdings system or online catalog to a union list on OCLC? What we deduced about our local situation after George Gibbs, our Asst. Dean for Tech. Servs., spoke with Rich Greene of OCLC, Inc.: It became apparent, even before a reading of the OCLC Tapeloading Guide supplied by Rich Greene, what our problem would be: We have so few serials records with full OCLC records that we don't have any way to connect what we've got with what they've got. We'd have to do a serious conversion project before we could build in the basic connections needed. The responses to the original inquiry follow: ------------------------------------------------------------------------- * I'm sending you a copy of the OCLC Tapeloading Guide that describes the format and procedures for tapeloading local data records to OCLC union listing. There are a couple of things to be aware of, though, that might be buried in the Guide. Tapeloading serial union list records can only be done to create the records in the first place; maintenance (deletion, modification) cannot be done via tape and must be done through the online system. We have not yet developed the capability to do ongoing maintenance through batch processing. We expect that to be operational as part of our implementation of USMARC holdings format in Prism; unfortunately, there is no firm schedule for that yet. We have not tapeloaded records from very many libraries yet. In part, libraries do not have data that will map well to our present implementation of holdings. All of us implemented holdings well before ANSI/NISO and MARC stand- ards were available. We have loaded a few files, though, in the last two yrs., including: Greater Midwest Region Medical Library Network (GMRMLN), Georgia Tech, several libraries who participate in Florida Center for Library Automa- tion, and a few Georgia universities. Rich Greene / OCLC, Inc. / 800-848-5878 / rog@rsch.oclc.org ----------------------------------------------------------------------------- * In response to your inquiry, I think the state of Kentucky is about to do what you are talking about. What *they* are going to do is convert our living, English bibliographic serial records and holdings now resident in the Kentucky Union List of Serials (KULS) for use in the KLN (Kentucky Library Network) OCLC GAC/UL (OCLC Group Access Catalog/Union List). Conversion is scheduled to begin Feb. 1st <1992> with completion in about a year. (A highly optimistic schedule, in my opinion!) I, myself, have nothing to do with the project. I just know about it! Any questions concerning the project should be directed to Charlene Davis at the Kentucky Dept. of Libraries & Archives, in Frankfort, KY. Phone 502-588-5931. Hope this is what you wanted! Good luck, if so. Genevieve Clay / Head, Central Serials / Crabbe Lib. / East. KY Univ. 606-622-1788 / LIBCLAY@EKU.BITNET ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Virginia Tech has been working with OCLC for about six months to try to eliminate the bugs in loading our MARC holdings records into the OCLC Union List. Our MARC holdings records already have all the information required for the union list and we want to avoid having to rekey this info into yet another system. We have encountered several easily overcome problems (like making sure the OCLC number is on the holdings record). However, the real problem is that OCLC cannot generalize from our specific holdings. In my ongoing discussion with Rich Greene, we discussed whether or not the UL should display just one line of holdings (either an 866 or an 863 when there are multiple lines). The OCLC UL system could probably be programmed to read the sequence control number to know which line has the oldest or most recent holdings. However, this would certainly be misleading information when holdings are perhaps consecutive but, perhaps, broken by dispersed location; or there could, indeed, be missing issues. We began to look into this process because our state library has a networking project. You may want to contact Lyn Knoop at 804-371-7614 for more information. I look forward to reading about what information you are able to gather on this topic. Gail McMillan / Serials Team Leader / Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State Univ. / gmcmilla@vtvm1.cc.edu / 703-231-9252 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * We are uploading our serial holdings from SC350 to OCLC. We have been doing this since March 1988. Rose Robischon / US Military Academy / Serials Unit / 914-938-2373 ur6146@usma3.usma.edu ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ * Our library is engaged in the project of uploading serials records from our NOTIS system to OCLC. The person doing the project is Maggie Garcia, in the library's Serials Dept. You can contact her at the following address: Maggie Garcia / Library / Florida Internat'l. University / 305-348-3126 She does not have an e-mail address. However, if you wish to send her an e-mail message, you can send it to me and I will forward. Good luck in your project. John Radencich / Library-Cat. Dept. / Florida Internat'l. University RADENCIC@SERVAX.BITNET