Majors/EBSCO Press Release LYNNF@EBSCO.COM 26 Jan 1993 14:55 UTC

             Cross posted to SERIALST and MEDLIB-L

      EBSCO Industries, Inc. and Majors Scientific Books, Inc. are
 pleased to announce the acquisition of the Majors Scientific
 Subscriptions Division by EBSCO Subscription Services.

      Majors Scientific Books, Inc., the largest health science book
 distributor in the country, will now focus its full resources on book
 distribution and information systems to the health science and
 technical library communities.  Majors will retain its Continuations
 Department with no change in that service.  With this acquisition,
 EBSCO becomes the largest agent for subscriptions to health science
 libraries and institutions.  Majors and EBSCO look forward to sharing
 information and to providing joint reporting to benefit their mutual

      Since 1909, Majors has been well known in the book and subscription
 services industry for exceptional service to medical libraries.
 Personal service has been its hallmark, and this philosoph will
 continue, according to F. Dixon Brooke, Jr., Vice President and EBSCO
 Subscription Services General Manager.  EBSCO's international presence,
 with 27 offices worldwide, will have a positive influence on service
 to biomedical and hospital libraries, as these clients commonly
 subscribe to a high percentage of non-USA titles.  Additionally,
 EBSCO has developed electronic interfaces with over 50 integrated
 library systems, providing time-saving and accurate transmission of
 data for retrospective conversion of serial records, electronic
 invoices, ordering, claiming and access to the Internet.

      Both companies look forward to serving the library community in
 the future and feel that these changes will facilitate this goal.