The following notice has already been published in the ALCTS Network
News (AN2), and we apologize for any duplication. CC:DA has decided not
to make the guidelines available in machine-readable format because of
the heavy formatting in the text, so we are "stuck" with regular mail
for obtaining a review copy.
The ALCTS Cataloging and Classification Section Committee on
Cataloging: Description and Access (CC:DA) has drafted _Guidelines for
Bibliographic Description of Interactive Media_ to meet the urgent need
for direction in the cataloging of interactive media items. Before
proposing permanent revisions to the cataloging rules in _Anglo-American
Cataloguing Rules_, 2nd edition, revised (AACR2r), CC:DA believes that it
is important that the cataloging community have an opportunity to review,
and comment on, the proposed _Guidelines_ as drafted.
A single copy of _Guidelines for Bibliographic Description of
Interactive Media_ is available from the ALCTS Office by sending a
self-addressed stamped envelope to: ALCTS Interactive Guidelines, 50 E.
Huron Street, Chicago, IL 60611.
The _Guidelines_ are designed to supplement, or, under special
conditions, replace rules in AACR2r. Featured is a new, experimental
general material designation (GMD): "Interactive Media". Elements of the
_Guidelines_ include: scope and purpose, definition, chief source of
information, choice of title proper, GMD, physical description, notes, and
two fully cataloged examples based on application of both the _Guidelines_
and AACR2r, rule 1.10C2. Catalogers using the draft Guidelines will be
encouraged to review the _Guidelines_ in light of specific cataloging
situations they face and to submit comments to CC:DA.
It should be noted that the _Guidelines_ are not an official revision
of AACR2r. If the _Guidelines_ are found to be workable in library
situations, CC:DA will work through the American Library Association
representative to the Joint Steering Committee for Revision of AACR
(JSC) in order to propose formal rules changes. Such rules changes will
become official when published by the copyright holders of AACR, the
Library Association, the American Library Association, and the Canadian
Library Association.