SISAC Bar Code (list of publishers) Serials Industry Systems Advisory Comm. 11 Dec 1992 14:18 UTC

The following publishers are or will be printing the SISAC Symbol
on their journals.  Those with an asterisk (*) are doing so NOW.

Academic Press (Division of Harcourt)*

_Against The Grain_*

Bailliere Tindal*

Blackwell Publishing

_CSISAC News_*

EBSCO Publishing

Elsevier Science Publishers

Faxon Publications*

Kluwer Academic Publishers (since 1989)*

National Research Council of Canada*


Royal Society of Chemistry

_SISAC News_*

_Sixteenth Century Journal_*

Springer-Verlag's _Kidney International_*

Taylor & Francis*

John Wiley & Sons Company*

If you have any questions, don't hesistate contacting me at:

Sandy Paul, SISAC, 160 Fifth Ave., NY, NY  10010,

555.2838@MCIMAIL.COM. phone 212/929-1393, fax 212/989-7542.