SERIALST SCOPE & PURPOSE (INCLUDING SELECTED COMMAND OPTIONS) (Revised December 1992) SERIALST (Serials in Libraries Discussion Forum) was established in October 1990, with technical support from the Office of Academic Computing at the University of Vermont (UVM), in order to serve as an informal electronic forum for most aspects of serials processing in libraries. Topics may include such things as: cataloging, acquisitions, collection management, serials budgets and pricing issues, binding, preservation, microfilm and other non print serials mediums, union list activities, announcements, news, & job postings that may be of interest to the serials community. Messages sent out on SERIALST currently reach ca. 1100 subscribers in 18 countries. Prior to November 25, 1991, SERIALST was an unmoderated forum. On November 25, parameters of the LISTSERV software (which supports SERIALST) were changed to support collaboration between multiple moderators, in different geographical locations. Messages that are sent to SERIALST are reviewed by the moderators, who then forward messages on appropriate topics to subscribers of SERIALST. When sending mail to SERIALST, please keep it to 250 lines or less and break longer messages into multiple, short, "serial" messages. Address messages to: SERIALST@UVMVM.BITNET or SERIALST@UVMVM.UVM.EDU Selected postings from SERIALST, related to serials pricing, may also appear in the electronic journal: _NEWSLETTER ON SERIALS PRICING ISSUES_ Subscribers to SERIALST will benefit from a more in depth look at serial pricing concerns if they also subscribe to the _NEWSLETTER ON SERIALS PRICING ISSUES_ (to subscribe send a one line message: SUBSCRIBE PRICES <your name>, to:, or contact the editor, Marcia Tuttle at: Disclaimer: The University of Vermont offers SERIALST as a public service. It does not verify the accuracy of submitted messages, nor does it endorse opinions expressed by contributors to the SERIALST forum. Authors of the messages to SERIALST are solely responsible for their content. Selected Command Options (send to: LISTSERV@UVMVM or LISTSERV@UVMVM.UVM.EDU): SUBSCRIBE SERIALST - To join the discussion forum. SIGNOFF SERIALST - To signoff of (or unsubscribe from) the discussion forum. SET SERIALST NOMAIL - Useful if you're going on vacation and don't want to signoff the list altogether; the NOMAIL option tells the listserver not to send mail to your address. SET SERIALST MAIL - To begin receiving mail again (undoes the NOMAIL option). SET SERIALST REPRO - Ensures that the originator of a message to SERIALST receives a copy of her/his own message. If you don't receive copies of messages that you send to SERIALST, but would like to, you need to specify the "repro" option to the listserver. REVIEW SERIALST - To retrieve a list of subscribers to SERIALST (name and e-mail address), arranged alpha by @<node> (i.e., e-mail address). REVIEW SERIALST BY NAME - To retrieve a list of subscribers to SERIALST, arranged by last name. QUERY SERIALST - Displays your mail distribution option settings (i.e., whether or not you are set to "repro", or "nomail", et al.); will also tell you whether or not you are signed onto the list. All messages to SERIALST are automatically archived by month. You may retrieve the monthly archives by issuing the command: GET SERIALST LOGyymm (ex., get serialst log9211). The UVM listserver will automatically send you the monthly log of your choice since Oct. 1990. The above commands can be sent either by (1) sending an interactive message to: LISTSERV@UVMVM, or (2) by sending the command as a one line message to: LISTSERV@UVMVM (don't send it to SERIALST@UVMVM). NOTE: All mailing systems can "mail" commands to the listserv ... Listserv will ignore the "subject" of your mailing. Many mailing systems can also send interactive messages (eg., TELL on VM/CMS, XMIT on MVS, SEND on VAX). These messages are equally valid ways of sending the commands. SERIALST is accessible by BITNET or Internet address. When sending messages to SERIALST, you may mail them to: SERIALST@UVMVM.BITNET or SERIALST@UVMVM.UVM.EDU You may be cancelled from SERIALST without notification if certain network complications arise. If you fail to receive SERIALST messages for an inordinate amount of time, use the QUERY or REVIEW command to find out if your name is present on the distribution list. FINALLY: It is possible to search the entire SERIALST message database interactively, or by submitting batch search jobs to LISTSERV@UVMVM via e-mail message. You may search by BOOLEAN queries and/or search limitations by date. Because of the involved set of search commands and space limitations of this document, interested users are referred to two other documents for the specifics of LISTSERV search commands: LISTSERV Database Functions (available from LISTSERV@UVMVM by issuing the command: GET LISTDB MEMO, or GET LISTDB MEMO F=MAIL)* This is a rather lengthy (2148 lines), but comprehensive document. Bailey, Jr., Charles W., "How to Search the PACS-L Message Database." This document gives a concise (156 lines) overview of Listserv database functions as they relate to the PACS-L@UHUPVM1.BITNET forum, and is useful as a guide for searching any LISTSERV discussion forum (including SERIALST) that maintains database archives. Retrieve this document by sending a one line message to: LISTSERV@UHUPVM1 (do not send to LISTSERV@UVMVM) The message should say: GET SEARCH DOC (or: GET SEARCH DOC F=MAIL).* * "F=MAIL" will cause these documents to be sent to you as mail messages; omit it, and they will be sent to you as files. For additional information about SERIALST, contact: Birdie MacLennan Listowner & Moderator bmaclenn@uvmvm.bitnet University of Vermont Marcia Tuttle Associate Moderator Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill Ann Ercelawn Associate Moderator ercelaa@vuctrvax.bitnet Vanderbilt University