Re: replies wanted (deselection)
ELEANOR COOK 10 Nov 1992 14:35 UTC
RE: Cooperative Deselection
We prefer not to think of it that way, but...
The Western North Carolina Network (WNCLN) is working on finding ways
to stretch our respective collections budgets. We consist of three state
funded institutions: UNC-Asheville, Appalachian State University, and
Western Carolina University. We are a four-year college and two
"Comprehensive" universities, respectively. Our budgets are modest, our
primary focus, undergraduate education.
We realize that our long history of cooperation (we share an online catalog
and circulation system, and are currently shopping for a replacement)
makes it easier for us to think about major cooperative efforts in other
areas. See the literature; several of my colleagues have published on
various aspects of our cooperation.
We are currently looking at stretching our buying power by analyzing
duplication in journal subscriptions across our collections. We feel that
we can offer a deeper, richer collection by eliminating duplication at the
research level. Otherwise, without cooperation we could end up cancelling
the last copy in the region, placing a burden on everyone. We do NOT see
this as some kind of collusion against certain publishers; indeed, it could
FREE up money to be spent on more unique journal titles.
Other major initiatives include a regional document delivery van service,
ABC Express, which delivers needed journal issues and books within the
Network (not faxed materials, but actual loans of materials); and a use study
of periodicals at Appalachian State which should be ready to report about
within the year.
The many people who have worked on WNCLN Committees striving to find ways
to save us valuable resources have been successful, I think. And I have
heard that WNCLN has been pointed to as a model within our state. I am
proud to be associated with such a cooperative group of libraries!
Eleanor Cook
Serials Librarian
Appalachian State University
Boone, NC 28608