SC-10, again Josephine.Williamson@MVS.UDEL.EDU 30 Oct 1992 17:36 UTC

I have a question for other SC-10 users.  When have you been told that it is
going down?  We at the University of Delaware have been told first June 30,
1993...then April 30, 1993...AND NOW MARCH 31, 1993!!!  I am really in a
swivet about this because we just finalized plans for migrating off SC-10
by May 1 -- if we're real, real lucky.  The "lost" month(s) were crucial
to our planning.  I would like to know if anyone has the date IN WRITING from
Faxon.  Actually, all comments from SC-10 users would be welcomed by me, just
for moral support (off-list, if you prefer).

Josie Williamson