Re: Current Issue Shelving AV691@ALBNYVMS.BITNET 15 Oct 1992 03:23 UTC

        We shelve most of our current issues in Princeton files alongside the
bound volumes, because there is not enough room in the current display area
for all the periodicals we receive.  It is convenient to have all of each
periodical in one place.  The problems are: (1) It is confusing for patrons
(until they get used to it) to have some current issues in the display area
and others back with the bound volumes.  and (2) It is not so handy for the
task of pulling for binding, since the currently received and dead titles
are all interfiled.

        Actually, we have been wishing we could have enough current display
space to have all currently received issues out on display!  Are you saying
that that is not a good way to go?

                Annalisa Van Avery, Periodicals Cataloger
                SUNY at Albany      av691@albnyvms