scholarly communication/networks (fwd) Marcia Tuttle 27 Aug 1992 15:53 UTC

---------- Text of forwarded message ----------
Date: Thu, 27 Aug 1992 13:46:32 EST
From: Birdie MacLennan <>
To: Multiple recipients of list SEREDIT <>
Subject: scholarly communication/networks

Cross-posted from the list,

----------------------------Original message----------------------------

              Announcement of Computer Conferences

     The Science, Technology and Public Policy Program at
Harvard's John F. Kennedy School of Government and the Coalition
for Networked Information have undertaken a project to address
principles, policy, and practice related to new forms of
scholarly communication in the network environment.  Funded in
part by the National Science Foundation's Program on Ethics and
Values Studies in Science and Technology, the Project looks at a
set of social, ethical, and legal issues raised in the
communication and dissemination of research results.  The goal is
to help different groups ranging from research teams to academic
and professional societies develop appropriate policies and

     A draft background paper has been prepared by project
director Brian Kahin and is available on the Internet by
anonymous ftp from using the following sequence of

   login anonymous
   [send e-mail address as password]
   cd /CNI/projects/Harvard.scp
   get background.txt

     We are now ready to initiate a set of computer conferences
which will bring together diverse disciplinary and service
perspectives.  The conferences will address six issue areas which
are discussed sequentially in the background paper:

     1.) JOINT AUTHORSHIP AND OWNERSHIP -- How should jointly
authored research be structured and how should publication
processes be handled?
     list name: OWNERSHIP
     moderator: Michael Strait (

     2.) RIGHTS IN COMPUTER CONFERENCING -- What are reasonable
expectations for the handling and reuse of messages and other
material posted to groups and mailing lists?
     list name: REPOST
     moderators: Edward Vielmetti (
                 Steve Cisler (

     3.) DERIVATIVE AND ITERATIVE WORKS -- What practices should
apply to sequenced and variant publications of the same and
related work?
     list name: DERIV
     moderators: Ann Okerson (okerson@umdc.bitnet)
                 Steven Zink (

     4.) CONTROL OF DISSEMINATION -- To what extent should key
scholarly resources be controlled by particular scholars or
     list name: RESOURCES
     moderator: Doug Greenberg (sdgls@cunyvm.bitnet)

     5.) SITE LICENSING -- How will widespread site licensing
affect access to information by unaffiliated individuals and
small firms and organizations?
     list name: SITE-LICENSE
     moderators: John Garrett (
                 Steve Gilbert (

     6.) INTERNATIONAL ACCESS -- How should researchers and
practitioners in the developing world be assured access to
research results?
     list name: INTERNATIONAL
     moderator: Art St. George (

     Persons interested in participating in one of these
conferences should send a single line mail message to
LISTSERV@CNI.ORG as follows:

subscribe [name of list] [your first name] [your last name]

If you wish to participate in more than one conference, put each
request on a separate line in the same format.  Please also send
the moderators background information so they will know who is
participating.  The moderators will set their own policies and
some may choose limit the size of their conference.

     We plan to report on these conferences at the November
meeting of the Coalition for Networked Information Task Force.
There will be an invitational workshop for the most active
participants and representative academic organizations in
Washington in early 1993.  A final report is due in the Spring.

     For additional information, contact the list moderators at
the listed email addresses.  Or:

Brian Kahin
Director, Information Infrastructure Project
Science, Technology and Public Policy Program
John F. Kennedy School of Government, Harvard University
79 John F. Kennedy St.
Cambridge, MA  02138
Fax: 617-495-5776

Paul Peters
Coalition for Networked Information
1527 New Hampshire Ave., NW
Washington DC 20036
Fax: 202-462-7849

For technical assistance:

Craig A. Summerhill, Systems Coordinator
Coalition for Networked Information
1527 New Hampshire Ave., N.W.
Washington, DC 20036