Migration of SC-10 serials data Martha Kellogg 18 Aug 1992 14:00 UTC

Have any Faxon SC-10 users tackled the problem of migrating their
serials data from Faxon's SC-10 system to the new Faxon Manager
system yet?  Faxon documentation implies that a lot of manual
manipulation will be required for the records to be successfully
migrated.  We had hoped that most of the data could be migrated
automatically by programming supplied by Faxon.

Do any SC-10 users have plans for handling this project which
appears to be of fairly large proportions?

Please reply to me directly or to the list as you prefer.

Martha Kellogg
Serials Librarian
University of Rhode Island Library
mhk@uriacc.bitnet   or mhk@uriacc.uri.edu.internet