Classifying newspapers Birdie MacLennan 07 Aug 1992 04:49 UTC

3 messages, 140 lines:

Date:         Fri, 7 Aug 1992 09:22:00 HKT
From:         "HO Yee Ip, HKUST Library, Tel:358-6728" <LBGENEHO@USTHK.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: Classifying newspapers

This library also faces with the problem of using what/which LC class schedule
for newspapers.  I appreciate any help.  >:->

Gene Ho
Hong Kong University of Science & Technology

Date:         Thu, 6 Aug 1992 16:04:00 PST
Subject:      Re: Classifying newspapers

In response to the question regarding the classification of newspapers, the
Hoover Institution Library at Stanford University does the following for

A shelving designation is given to each newspaper title as NEWS COLL + country
of publication. For example, Le Monde would be NEWS COLL FRANCE. The exception
being Slavic papers, which are designated by language. For example, Pravda
would be RUSSIAN NEWS COLL. Slavic titles are further delineated if they are
emigre publications, for example RUSSIAN NEWS COLL EMIGRE for a Russian
language newspaper published outside of Russia. To confuse matters just a
little more, a non-Russian language newspaper published IN Russia, would
receive the designation NEWS COLL RUSSIA.

All new newspaper titles receive full cataloging according to LC rules for
newspaper cataloging and union listing. The designations listed above are
input as call numbers.

Newspapers are shelved by title within country of publication, with the
exception of the Slavic titles. We have approximately 350 current titles, and
approximately 10,000 linear feet of newspapers shelved in bundles. We are a
closed stack library.

Hope this helps, please let me know if you would like further information.

Vickie Seymour
Head, Acquisitions and Serials Department
Hoover Library
Stanford University

Date:         Thu, 6 Aug 1992 16:29:00 CDT
From:         "Sam A. Khosh-khui" <SK03@SWTEXAS.BITNET>
Subject:      Re: Classifying newspapers

        Here at the Albert B. Alkek Library we do classify newspapers.
        Generally, our newspapers are on microfilms although there may be
        a few exceptions.  We use the following procedure to locally
        assign LC call number to newspapers:

        _________________________  PROCEDURE  _________________________



        A newspaper is a publication issued on newsprint that contains
        general news coverage rather than specific subject matter.

        A.  CALL NUMBER

        The Library of Congress does not catalog general newspapers and
        the classification schedule for Newspapers (AN) has not yet been
        developed.  A decision was made long, long ago to classify them
        at our library.  At the Alkek Library all newspapers are
        classified according to the following arrangements:

             AN1    Domestic newspapers subarranged by:

                    Title derived abbreviated code in lower case


                    1.  AN1.C2 L63 lt (Los Angles times)
                    2.  AN1.D6 W3 wp  (Washington post)
                    3.  AN1.I3 C4 ctr (Chicago tribune)
                    4.  AN1.M4 B7 csm (Christian science monitor)
                    5.  AN1.N7 N5 ntm (New York times)

             AN2    Foreign newspapers subarranged by:

                    Title derived abbreviated code in lower case


                    1.  AN2.E5 L6 tms (Sunday times)
                    2.  AN2.E5 L6 tm  (Times)
                    2.  AN2.E5 L6 tmi (Times) [index]


        Similarly, the Library of Congress does not assign subject
        headings to general newspapers. However, it is often necessary to
        find newspaper publications within a geographical area.  The 752
        (Hierarchical Place Name Access) provides a hierarchical form of
        geographical access.  For example,

         752     United States #b Texas #c Travis #d Austin

        is assigned to the title "Austin-American Statesman" to show the
        geographical hierarchy.  Unfortunately, neither the OCLC system
        nor the local DRA system indexes this field.  Therefore, another
        local decision has been made to assign a non-standard 651 field
        for the name of the state with a "Newspaper" subdivision to
        provide a geographical access for newspapers within each state,

        651 0  Texas #x Newspapers.

        _____________________  END OF PROCEDURE  ______________________

        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
        * Sam A. Khosh-khui, Ph. D.             BITNET: SK03@SWTEXAS  *
        * Serials Cataloging Librarian           PHONE: 512/245-2288  *
        * Albert B. Alkek Library                  FAX: 512/245-3002  *
        * Southwest Texas State University                            *
        * San Marcos, Texas 78666-4604                                *
        * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *