Information request... Ing Claudia Xhonane Ortiz Meza 05 Aug 1992 20:48 UTC

I'm a student of Management Information Systems (Masters degree) at
Technological Institute of High Studies of Monterrey (Instituto
Tecnologico y de Estudios Superiores de Monterrey, ITESM, Mexico), and
I'm preparing my thesis on collection department automation. Actually,
my thesis is based on serials collections, and I'd like to know about
experiences in this area, references, points of view, suggestions, etc.

The fact is that I want to design a Data Base Model for this area, from
a traditional performance, so that we could improve and take advantage
of available resources, as human, hardware, information, etc.

Right up until now, I've investigated about 70 articles, but
unfortunately, they haven't been deep on exactly what I want...,
just some cases, some tendencies.  But nothing specially on
serials collections.

I think something that could help me is the experience of other
universities, how they started, why, what kind of alternatives did
they have, why decided what they decided, what has been their
evolution, what could they suggest to start on, how important is
this job, etc.??

I'll appreciate any help, please forgive my poor english, and thanks in
advance for your time.

Sincerely yours,
