Re: Geac Advance Mitch Turitz 04 Aug 1992 22:13 UTC

In response to Kay Teel:

We have the Geac Advance system 4.0 here at San Francisco State
University.  Although we have Serials, we have not implemented it yet.
We have not had training yet (Geac wants to charge us a ridiculous
amount for the training), the manuals are not complete (the ones they
sent to us are missing the chapter on printing reports).  And
technical support could be much better.

p.s. I forwarded your question to ADVANC-L@IDBSU, the Geac Advance listserv.

-- Mitch

* Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian            *
* San Francisco State University Library     *
* 1630 Holloway Ave., S.F., CA  94132        *
* Voice: (415) 338-7883  FAX: (415) 338-6199 *
* Internet:                  *

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