ISSN numbers for e-journals
Edward Vielmetti 03 Aug 1992 20:31 UTC
This is a list of e journals and their ISSN numbers. It is posted to
VPIEJ-L and SERIALST periodically as updates warrant. Additions
should be sent to "".
The format used follows the extended "refer" scheme provided by the
Human-Computer Interaction bibliography, Gary Perlman, editor.
Further information about it can be had from
The list differs from other collections of electronic journals in that it
notes only journals that have ISSN numbers, and that it seeks to identify
exact references to interactive on-line archives of machine-readable back
issues. This should prove useful in building servers (a la the HYTELNET
index for library catalogs) that can use these materials directly. I have
not yet filled in all of the information that I have about all of these,
so consider this a work in progress.
This work is part of a CICnet project on access and archives for
electronic serials.
Edward Vielmetti, vice president for research, Msen Inc.
Msen Inc., 628 Brooks, Ann Arbor MI 48103 +1 313 741 1120
"We believe in: rough consensus and running code." Dave Clark on the IETF
%J Communications of the ACM
%C New York
%X <wais host="" database="cacm" port="210">
The WAIS database is experimental, contact with comments.
%G ISSN 0001-0782; QA 76 A1 A78
%J Bulletin, new series, of the American Mathematical Society
%X <telnet host="" login="e-math">
%G ISSN 0002-9904
%J Laboratory Primate Newsletter
%X <listserv host="" list="lpn-l">
%G ISSN 0023-6861
%J NSF Bulletin
%X <gopher host="" port=70>
%G ISSN 0145-0670; LCCN sn 78001066
%J I.S.P.O.B Bulletin YSSTI
%G ISSN 0353-9334
%G ISSN 0381-9361
%E Lena Bialkowska
%J Donosy
%X <ftp host="" directory="/pub/VARIA/polish/dir_donosy">
Daily news bulletin from Poland
US Contact: (Przemek Klosowski)
Rest of the world: Donosy@Plearn.BITNET
English edition: (Przemek Klosowski)
%G ISSN 0867-6860
%J Flora Online
%G ISSN 0892-9106
%J MAB Northern Sciences Network Newsletter
%G ISSN 1014-7470
%E A. E. Mossberg
%J South Florida Environmental Reader
%X <ftp host="" directory="/pub/SFER">
<listserv host="ucf1vm.bitnet" list="sfer-l">
%G ISSN 1044-3479
%J Journal of Technology Education
%X <gopher host="" path="1/Newsletters & Journals/Journalof Tech.
%G ISSN 1045-1064
%J ALA/RTSD Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
%G ISSN 1046-3402 [note: this title has ceased and is continued
by the following entry. -- bml]
%J Newsletter on Serials Pricing Issues
%G ISSN 1046-3410
%J Computer Communications Review
%G ISSN 1046-4833
%J The Public-Access Computer Systems Review
%X <gopher host="" path="1/Newsletters & Journals/Library/PACS
<listserv host="">
%G ISSN 1048-6542
%J Supercomputing Review
%X <telnet host="">
%G ISSN 1048-6836
%J Public-Access Computer Systems News
%G ISSN 1050-6004
%E John B. Harlan
%J News of Earth
%G ISSN 1052-2239
%E John James
%J AIDS Treatment News
%G ISSN 1052-4207; LCCN sn 88026868
%J Journal of International Academy of Hospitality Research
%X <gopher path="1/msu/libraries/journals/jiahr">
%G ISSN 1052-6099
%J Postmodern Culture
%G ISSN 1053-1920
%E Daniel Appelquist
%J Quanta
%X Digital Quill award, 1992.
<ftp host="" directory="/pub/quanta">
<ftp host="" directory="/journals/Quanta">
<ftp host="" directory="/documents/Quanta">
%G ISSN 1053-8496
%E Ted Jennings
%J EJournal
%G ISSN 1054-1055
%J Ethnomusicology Research Digest
%G ISSN 1054-1624
%E John B. Harlan
%J USSR-D (USSR news and information digest)
%G ISSN 1054-6510
%X <listserv host="">
%J Chronicle of Latin American Economic Affairs
%G ISSN 1054-8874
%J Central American Update
%G ISSN 1054-8882
%J GRID News
%G ISSN 1054-9315
%E Stevan Harnad
%J Psycoloquy
%X <ftp host="" directory="/pub/harnad">
%G ISSN 1055-0143
%J Bryn Mawr Classical Review
%G ISSN 1055-7660
%G ISSN 1056-6694
%J Directory of Electronic Journals, Newsletters, and Academic Discussion Lists
%G ISSN 1057-1337
%G ISSN 1057-5308
%J MeckJournal
%G ISSN 1058-692X
%J SOLSTICE An Electronic Journal of Geography and Mathematics
%G ISSN 1059-5325
%J Digital Games Review
%G ISSN 1059-5457
%E David F. W. Robison
%J Current Cites
%X <wais host="" database="current.cites" port=210>
<gopher host="" path="/ccites" port=70>
<ftp host="" directory="current.cites">
%G ISSN 1060-2356
%J NotiSur - South American & Caribbean Political Affairs
%G ISSN 1060-4189
%J Scholar - An Online Service for Text Analysis and Natural Language
%E Joseph Raben
%C New York, NY USA
%X <listserv host="" list="scholar">
%G ISSN 1060-7862; LCCN sn 92003649
%J List Review Service
%E Raleigh C. Muns
%C St. Louis, MO USA
%G ISSN 1060-8192; LCCN sn 92003073
%J Pigulki
%X <ftp host="" directory="/pub/pigulki">
<ftp host="" directory="/pub/pigulki">
<ftp host="" directory="/pub/VARIA/polish/dir_pigulki">
<mail-server address="" body="send index from pigulki">
%G ISSN 1060-9288; LCCN sn 92003695
%J Citations for Serial Literature
%C Cambridge, MA USA
%E Marilyn Geller
%G ISSN 1061-7434; LCCN sn 92003188
%J Law and Politics Book Review
%C Evanston, IL USA
%G ISSN 1062-7421; LCCN sn 92002854
%J EFFector Online
%C Cambridge, MA USA
%G ISSN 1062-9424; LCCN sn 92002586
%X Digital Quill award 1992
%J ViewPoints
%C Fullerton, CA USA
%G ISSN 1063-0325; LCCN sn 92004739
%J Electronic Journal of Communication / La Revue Electronique de Communication
%G ISSN 1183-5656
%J Ioudiaos Review
%C Waterloo, Ont.
%K First-century Judaism
%X <listserv host="" list="ioudiaos">
%G ISSN 1183-9937; LCCN cn 92031057
%J RD Graduate Research in the Arts
%G ISSN 1188-0708
%E Michael Strangelove
%J The Religious Studies Publications Journal - CONTENTS
%G ISSN 1188-5734
%J BEN (Botanical Electronic News)
%G ISSN 1188-603X