Distributing Subscription Lists to Academic Departments Janie Branham 23 Jul 1992 20:52 UTC

 ---------------------------- Text of forwarded message -----------------------
Date:         Thu, 23 Jul 1992 13:53:00 CDT
From:         SLIB1198@ALTAIR.SELU.EDU
Subject:      Distributing Subscription Lists to Academic Departments

We are now in the process of revising our procedures for compiling and
distributing serial subscription lists and would like to hear from other
libraries who maintain such lists.  Some questions we have are:  1)  What
type of software do you use to compile the list?    2)  Is each title assigned
to only one department or are titles assigned to multiple departments?
3)  If titles are assigned to multiple departments, is the cost split among
departments or is the full subscription cost reflected on each dept. list?
4)  If a title is received in both paper and microform formats, are both
listed on department lists with the cost for each listed?

You may respond directly to Janie Branham, Serials Librarian, Southeastern
Louisiana University   (SLIB1198@selu.edu)  All responses appreciated.