The following report includes a meeting summary and a selected bibliography of sources pertaining to issues discussed at the meeting. -- ed. ------------------------------------------------------------------------ Association of College & Research Libraries, New England Chapter, Serials Interest Group, Spring Workshop: Managing Workflow in Serials Control. May 12, 1992 Harvard University Graduate School of Education, Monroe C. Gutman Library SPEAKER: Dr. Sheila S. Intner, Simmons College, Graduate School of Library and Information Science: SUMMARY OF MEETING: Dr. Intner began the workshop with a discussion of nonbook serials and the shape of things to come. The idea was proposed that the printed journal may be on its way out. Nonbook formats include online journals, offline electronic subscriptions and services, videoserials, as well as traditional formats such as sound, maps, microforms, and printed paper. Workflow will change in a nonprint environment, and strategic planning will become necessary. Currently, the acquisition of nonprint materials comes from various selection and funding sources. Along these lines, Dr. Intner suggested that librarians: (1) Make friends with related departments, (2) Pin down sources for selection, ordering, funding, and billing, (3) Identify common vendors, (4) Determine how receiving departments intend to handle funds. The serials explosion of the 80's is now over, and most libraries have to do more with less. Access is now the key issue. Printed journals involve a time lag. Electronic formats are likely to be more current. Also there is no need to own a journal if you are only looking for one particular article. The concept of "journal" may soon become a dinosaur. Hardware is becoming less expensive as well. Dr. Intner then spoke on the cataloging of nonbook serials. They pose a problem as they involve limited data and are less consistent. The Library of Congress has disbanded its nonbook materials department leaving individual institutions to carry on as best they can. There are duplicate records on OCLC and policies for print serials are inadequate for nonbook serials. There is no consistency in classification and shelving either. Dr. Intner pointed out that: (1) No universally accepted answers are available, (2) Free access is unconventional, but recommended. Integration is limited but promising. Dr. Intner made a case for full cataloging on the various networks. Skeleton records provide limited access and do not fully describe the item in hand. Dr. Intner is currently serving on the CC:DA Task Force on Cataloging Interactive Media. They are working on a draft document for "Using AACR2R for Interactive Multimedia Items." Topics they are currently debating include: (1) Scope: define interactive; is special hardware required? (2) Chief Source: prefer the container, including labels found on integral physical carriers. If item has more than 1 part, all containers collectively are chief source. (3) Title proper; if it varies on chief source, choose fullest form. (4) GMD: [interactive multimedia] (5) Physical description: for multipart items, follow 1.10C2a or 1.10C2b; Spell "disk"/"disc" according to type of media. (6) Notes: Those discussed were: systems requirements, source of title proper, variations in title, etc. Dr. Intner stressed that this was a draft only and that further work would be done at ALA in San Francisco. There is also a committee working on adding a new chapter of AACR2 for kits. Other issues touched on were: circulation and use; hardware; copyright problems; Is remote access really access?; eliminating the intermediary; preservation challenges; permanency vs. regeneration; lack of experience or reliable research. Participants of the meeting were then given some time to do "hands on" cataloging of interactive media. The meeting ended with a brief discussion of serials standards. Dr. Intner listed three categories for standards: (1) Identification of titles; (2) Identification of issues; (3) Communications. Standards discussed were: International Standard Serials Number (ISSN); International Serials Data System (ISDS); Summary level holdings, Z39.42-1980; Serials holdings statements, Z39.44-1986; the USMARC Holdings Format. Mention was also made of the Serials industry Advisory Committee (SISAC) barcode and Serials Issue-level Identifier (SIID). Dr. Intner also provided a selective bibliography of sources on the topic (appended to this message). Joseph A. Gabriel Chair ACRL, New England Chapter Serials Interest Group 6/22/92 A SELECTIVE BIBLIOGRAPHY OF USEFUL SOURCES compiled by Sheila Intner: Bloss, Alex "Serials Management is not for Sissies." ALCTS Newsletter 3, no. 2 (1992): 14-15. Kellogg, Martha. "CD-ROM Products As Serials: Cost considerations for libraries." Serials Review (Fall 1991): 49-60. Kownacki, Bill. "Electronic Information: the view from reference." Serials Review (Winter 1991): 80-82. Langschied, Linda. "The changing shape of the electronic journal." Serials Review (Spring 1991): 7-12. Litchfield, Charles. "Local storage and retrieval of electronic journals: training issues for technical services personnel." Serials Review (Winter 1991): 83-84. Lynch, Clifford A. "Serials management in the age of electronic access." Serials Review (Fall 1991): 49-60. Malone, Cherly Knott. "The future of reference II: a response." College and Research Libraries News (Oct. 1989): 790-792. Metz, Paul. "Electronic journals from a collection manager's point of view." Serials Review (Winter 1991): 82-83. Niles, Judith, "Management of serial records in the integrated catalog." Advances in Serials Management: a research annual, volume 4. Clack, Mary Elizabeth. "The national shared pattern database." Serials Review (Fall 1991): 67-76. ---- "Final thoughts on the entry of serials; or reaching a logical conclusion." Serials Librarian 20, no. 4 (1991): 1-24. Davis, Stephen P. "Format integration: handling serials and mixed media" Information technology and libraries (June 1990): 102-107. Intner, Sheila S. "Interfaces: Access to Serials, Part 1." Technicalities 10 (Jan. 1990): 3-5. ---- "A new paradigm for access to serials " In The Future of Serials, Proceedings of NASIG. 5th Annual Conference. (Haworth Press) [also published in Serials Librarian 19, no. 3/4 (1991): 151-161. -- ed.] Van Avery, Annalisa R. "Recat vs. recon of serials: a problem of shared cataloging." Cataloging and Classification Quarterly 10, no. 4 (1990): 51-68. Brugger, Judith M. "How the NISO holdings standard works: the finding of an investigation at CUNY, 1989." Serials Librarian 20, nos.2/3 (1991): 17-30. Tseng, Sally C., "Serials standards work: the next frontier." Library Resources & Technical Services 34 (April 1990): 139-157.