ALA/S.F. weather - be prepared! Mitch Turitz 22 Jun 1992 23:33 UTC

Just wanted to warn everybody about the weather in San Francisco:

Today's lows are reported to be 49-62, Highs 64-94.  This is a
TYPICAL summer range of 45 degrees in a single day!  So be prepared
for cold mornings and evenings and warm mid days.

Remember what Mark Twain is reputed to have said:
"The coldest winter I ever spent was summer in San Francisco"

and what Gertrude Stein is reputed to have said about
Oakland (across the bay from S.F.):
"There's no there, there!"

* Mitch Turitz, Serials Librarian            *
* San Francisco State University Library     *
* 1630 Holloway Ave., S.F., CA  94132        *
* Voice: (415) 338-7883  FAX: (415) 338-6199 *
* Internet:                  *