The answer about Newsweek
Regina R. Reynolds 16 Jun 1992 04:41 UTC
Before I leave for NASIG I want to report on the outcome of the Newsweek
question. The decision is to keep one ISSN and one bibliographic record
for Newsweek. Newsweek does not consider these to be separate editions.
There is no separate edition statement or designation which belongs
uniquely to each edition. In fact, it is impossible to tell that you have
an issue with the extra section unless you page through the issue or know
to look at the back of the issue.
I must say that I have not seen any other issues than that of April 27, the
first to carry a "Newsweek Focus" section, this particular one being
"Books in the News." I have to assume that Newsweek has carried out its
plan for each of the new sections to be monthly.
When I contacted University Microfilms I was told that they would be filming
issues containing all the sections. This should make things easier for
libraries. When I spoke to Newsweek's "Focus representative" early in my
inquiries into this problem, she indicated some uncertainty on the part of
Newsweek as to how they would proceed with their full plan of two special
sections per issue. There was apparently some concern about binding thickness
with two sections so no details were available as to the logistics of two
sections per issue.
If I learn any more about this situation I'll post another note. In the
meantime we'll have to see what happens if this venture on Newsweek's part
is successful. We then might see more and more variations on this theme.
I can hardly wait (!)
See you at NASIG!
Regina Reynolds
Acting Head, National Serials Data Program
Library of Congress