Re: Bindery Complaints (MARCIE KINGSLEY) Susan Davis 23 Apr 1992 19:10 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
Not to beat a dead horse to death any more than necessary, but I must echo
other comments that a 2-week turnaround time from your binder is great!
Ours is 4 weeks, although they pickup every 2 weeks.  We generaly do not
pull until the Wed. before the Monday pickup, and the volumes are generally
processed and out of Tech Services by the Wed. after the shipment returns.
So we are looking at a 5 week turnaround.  We do not hear many complaints
about the time.  We offer to rush something through, or hold it when it
comes in for patrons, but haven't had anyone take us up on the offer.
Our online catalog indicates what is out to the bindery (but not when due
back), and what is being held because its incomplete.  This seems to help.
We also try to coordinate multiple copy subs not being out to the bindery
at the same time.

Susan Davis/Head, Periodicals/University at Buffalo