----------------------------Original message----------------------------
The North Carolina Central School of Library & Information Sciences
and EBSCO Subscription Services are sponsoring the
Third North Carolina Serials Conference entitled:
"Serials: Linking Page and Patron"
Thursday, April 23-
Friday, April 24, 1992
Sheraton University Center
Durham, NC
This conference will provide serials librarians and staff with an
opportunity to discuss how they can provide access to the information
issued in serial format. Participants in this conference will have
an opportunity to reflect, not only on how to promote access to
serially published information in their own institutions, but how to
make informed decisions in light of all the changes that are occurring
in this area.
Conference fee: $60.00.
To register by phone or fax, or for more information, call:
919-560-6485 (voice)
919-560-6402 (fax)