Worst Serial Title Change of the Year PWTLS@CANAL.CRC.UNO.EDU 07 Apr 1992 19:17 UTC

----------------------------Original message----------------------------
     Fed up with serials that keep changing their titles unnecessarily?  You
still have time to strike back by nominating them for the Worst Serial Title
Change of the Year Awards, sponsored by the Serials Section of ALCTS.  Award
criteria include, but are not limited to: a frivolous title change with no
apparent advantage; the unnecessary change of an old, respected title; and
repeated changes with the latest being no better than the earlier ones.  The
WSTC Committee also welcomes submissions of notable changes in format,
frequency, and numbering.  Any change which has occurred since Jan. 1, 1991,
is eligible.  Please supply complete citations for each change including
title, number &/or date of last issue with old title, and first issue with new
title.  OCLC numbers and photocopies of relevant pages are useful as additional
verification.  The deadline for entries is May 1, 1992.  Please send
nominations to:

Phoebe Timberlake
Earl K. Long Library
University of New Orleans
New Orleans, LA  70148
504/286-7277 (FAX)