Re: Ergonomic Chairs ERCELAA@VUCTRVAX.BITNET 02 Apr 1992 14:51 UTC

Date: Thu, 2 Apr 1992 07:52:09 CST
Subject: RE: Ergonomic chairs

The University of Texas Libraries invested in ergonomic chairs for
all staff whose jobs were pc or terminal dependent.  Like Kathy
Schmidt's person, our the periodical receiving assistant
also went from manual check-in to automated check-in on
Notis and after three years on the system has reported no
trouble.  The chairs were purchased from:

            Fixtures Furniture
            1642 Crystal,
            P.O. Box 6346
            Kansas City, Mo. 64126-2825
            Phone: 800-821-3500

Good luck.

Donna Lively
Serials Acquisitions Librarian
University of Texas at Arlington
Internet Address: Lively@Library.UTA.EDU